New York Style Coffee Cake

new york style coffee cake

Well, the snow continues to fall here in the Ozarks, and like a bear I have been hibernating inside my cave (read: house).  Unlike a bear, however, I have not been packing on my winter layer of fat:)  I have endured my healthy week, which included daily trudges to the gym and countless moments of questioning my sanity.  But at the end I was happy to be able to indulge in this yummy treat over the weekend.  A moist coffee cake with a slightly gooey center, sitting on a shortbread like crust.  It was well worth the wait!

new york style coffee cake
Coffee House Coffee Cake
Prep: 15 min;  Cook: 45 min  Servings: 9

2 cups all-purpose flour
2 tsp instant coffee granules
2 cups firmly packed light brown sugar
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, cut into pieces
1 (8-oz) container sour cream
1 tsp baking soda
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts

Combine the flour and coffee granules in a large bowl. Add brown sugar, cinnamon, and salt. Stir well. Cut in the butter with a fork or pastry cutter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Press half of the mixture into a lightly greased 9" square baking dish. Set aside.

In a small bowl combine the sour cream and baking soda, stirring until well mixed. Add to the remaining crumb mixture, stirring just until the dry ingredients are moistened. Add the egg, stirring gently to incorporate. Pour the sour cream mixture over the crumb crust in the pan. Sprinkle with nuts.

Bake at 350F for 45 minutes. Cool and cut into squares. **Note: When the cake is removed from the oven after 45 minutes, the center will still be slightly jiggly to the touch.  This is okay.  After cooling, the center will set up and the texture will be moist.  If you bake longer, your cake will dry out.

(adapted from Southern Living Ultimate Christmas Cookbook)


Kim - Liv Life said...

These photos are simply stunning! Congrats on getting out of the house and keeping up the healthy routine. I've fallen off the wagon this week and haven't had much exercise other than walking the dogs. They are happy though!
I've printed this recipe, I know it will be a family pleaser in our household!!
We are sending warm wishes your way!!

Becky said...

Your coffee cake sounds divine, especially with all the nuts on top.
Gorgeous pics.
We've had all the snow and now we'll be in the deep freeze tonight with temps at -16 below, and that's not the wind chill. Welcome to the frozen tundra in Chicago!

mickeyrenee said...

Wow! This looks beautiful. I have never seen a coffee cake with so many nuts as a topping. This will be a great way to use up my leftover walnuts from Christmas baking.

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake said...

Oh, boy, I bet the coffee in this coffeecake imparts a marvelous flavor...and it looks beautiful with that nutty topping, too!

scrambledhenfruit said...

This coffee cake looks so good! We just joined a gym and since I've added that to my routine I'm never at home anymore to cook. One of these days I'll get organized enough to do everything I want to. :) Thanks for the giveaway- I love CSN!

Christina said...

What a great treat! Good for you sticking to healthy week. I wasn't so good last week when we got hit with a lot of snow...
Your photos are stunning, as always!

Susan said...

This looks delicious! I love any sweet with coffee in it sob will definitely give this a try. Thanks so much for sharing.

wendyweekendgourmet said...

This cake looks so moist...and the nuts give it a healthy twist!! Saving this one for sure!! Stay warm and dry up there...even Texas has had a very cold winter. Had a rare snow/ice day last week!!

Blog is the New Black said...

The pics are great. THis cake is right up mu bf's alley! Who am I kidding? Right up mine, too!

Leanne @ Healthful Pursuit said...

Mmm your photos are amazing! My boyfriend really, really wants me to make coffee cake for him... I'll try to make your version gluten free and see how it goes. It looks so delicious!

Leanne @ Healthful Pursuit said...

Just "like"d on Facebook

Leanne @ Healthful Pursuit said...

Just followed on Twitter!

Meg Luby said...

that looks SO GOOD! once again, i am stunned and am happy to say i'll be making this soon :)
thanks for sharing!

All That's Left Are The Crumbs said...

Beautiful and enticing photos as always! I love that your cake looks so moist. It is definitely a winner and I am looking forward to trying it soon.

Lynn said...

yum! can't wait to try this recipe!

Ashley said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

hewella1 at gmail dot com

Ashley said...

I'm a gfc follower.

hewella1 at gmail dot com

Ang said...

I don't think I have ever seen you post something I didn't want to run and make right away. I'm not brown nosing you either. I know the picks are random:)

gingycookies said...

I love CSN, I just bought awesome pots there!!!

Medeja- CranberryJam said...

Lovely and especially because of those nuts :)

Anonymous said...

Love this recipe. I will have to try. I have been "hibernating" too and unfortunately seeing it in my waistline! Ahh... luckily spring is right around the corner with lots of outdoors activities.

Angela@RecipesFromMyMom said...

This looks like the perfect snowy day breakfast. Heck, I could eat it all day.

Steph said...

I think I could eat coffee cake all day long! I'm bad though, I like to eat all of the crumbly topping, so it's best not to leave me alone with it, or the only thing left is the cake ;)

Lauren at KeepItSweet said...

Congrats on beating out the weather and making it to the gym this week!


My oh my, that looks like the perfect coffee cake and treat after a long week of good behavior! We've been taking care of ourselves too, only eating the sweet stuff on Saturday. It's a little tricky at times, but worth the effort. Hang in there!

Kelly said...

That coffee cake looks amazing! I'm also trying the strawberryapple crisp this weekend. You make it so hard to choose which to make!! ;)

linzercookie said...

How do I not own one of those Herman Miller chairs already??

Erin said...

Oh man, your coffee cake looks absolutely wonderful! And whoo hoo, what a great giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity to enter =o) crazybulldogs at comcast dot net

AubreyLaine said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

AubreyLaine said...

I like you on FB

AubreyLaine said...

I follow via GFC

Nive said...

Amazing pics and thanks for the giveaway...

Nive said...

I follow via GFC...

Casey said...

This coffee cake looks delicious! Love the beautiful photos!

Sara said...

Yum! Looks delicious! My father LOVES coffee cake. I think I will make this recipe for him!

Time for Good Food said...

Beautiful pictures -- looks delicious! I also "liked" you on Facebook. Thanks!

Darlene E said...

This coffeecake looks amazing! I am definitely putting this in my "to do list."

Darlene E said...

This cake looks amazing! I cannot wait to try it!

Athena said...

The coffee cake looks so yummy. I can't wait to give the recipe a try.

cereza25 at yahoo dot com

Athena said...

I like you on FB.

cereza25 at yahoo dot com

Athena said...

I follow you via GFC.

cereza25 at yahoo dot com

Athena said...

I follow you on Twitter @GoddessFoodie.

cereza25 at yahoo dot com

Shawn said...

I can't wait to make this for my husband's Friday treat! He's gonna feel so special :)

Domestic Diva said...

That looks yummy. thanks for the chance.

lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

Domestic Diva said...

I follow on gfc

lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

Claire Gallam said...

I love coffee cake. I can't have it around me or I'll eat all of it :)And it's frigid here too, YUCK!

cailen ascher said...

that coffee cake looks utterly divine!!! your recipes and pictures are fabulous.

Anonymous said...

Good for you for your healthy week.... The coffee cake looks so delicious, I'm sure it was worth it :)

Anonymous said...

I like you on facebook

Anonymous said...

I follow you on google friend connect

Anonymous said...

And I follow you on twitter @danacooks!

Kathleen said...

Don't you just love Southern Living! This coffee cake looks amazing!!!

Lauren said...

i love coffee cake - thanks!

Lauren said...

i follow you on twitter!

Ashlie and Alfred said...

Thanks for a wonderful giveaway - CSN has so many great items! That cake looks divine :)

Valerie said...

I love this recipe! I immediately saved it to make for our next family gathering. Thanks for sharing!

Valerie said...

I like Sprinkled w/Flour on fb! :-)

Allison C said...

This coffee cake looks super yummy. Can't wait to try it out!

Allison C said...

I like sprinkled w/ flour on fb

Kate @ said...

Good...I'm not alone. I've been cooped up at home for what seems like forever... I forgot where the health club was. :)

On a more delicious note, this coffeecake is incredible - I'm drooling over the photos...great job!

Monet said...

Hi Lovely,
As everyone has already said...this cake looks delicious! I have been baking away (this always happens during the colder months) and I've been craving coffee cake. Perfect timing! Thank you for sharing, sweetheart. I hope you have a wonderful Friday...and an even better weekend.

Amanda Thompson said...

I've never been a huge fan of coffee cakes but after seeing your photos, you just might make me a believer yet! :)

grace said...

my goodness, that's the most moist coffee cake i've ever seen! it's practically saturated! very nice work indeed. :)

Emily Malloy said...

Just an idea.

Come over and give me some.

Better yet, I'll come over and take some!

..Philadelphia isn't all THAT far away! :)

Lindsey @ Gingerbread Bagels said...

Oh how I LOVE coffee cakd and yours looks just gorgeous. I love coffee cake with nuts on top, yum! :)

Tracy said...

The coffee cake looks wonderful. I'll have to try it.

Mellanie said...

Can't wait to try this coffee cake. Even without snow on the ground, I'm not as dedicated to my workouts as you. Kudos for keeping up with your workout and double kudos for sharing this yummy recipe.

Magic of Spice said...

What a delicious coffee cake, and the photos are beautiful :)

Magic of Spice said...

What a delicious coffee cake, and the photos are beautiful :)

Marilyn said...

Yum...I'm making this tomorrow.

Kita said...

I love a great coffee cake. To me they are always just right. Never overly sweet and perfect. This one looks divine. I made one once from a Southern Living book (i forget which) and it got tons of great reviews :D this one looks even better!

Anonymous said...

your coffee cake looks delightfull :)

Jessie said...

The coffee cake looks amazing. Great giveaway, too!

Unknown said...

I liked your FB stats.

Unknown said...

I also am following your blog. I love your recipes. And this cake just looks amazing. my email is if i win.

Unknown said...

That coffee cake looks amazing; thanks for sharing the recipe. I have a girls get-together next Saturday and this would make a great take-along dish.

shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Following on Twitter @auntiethesis
shel704 at aol dot com

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shel704 at aol dot com

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Facebook fan: Michelle Hudak
shel704 at aol dot com

Daily Woman (Lacey) said...

Follow you on GFC

Daily Woman (Lacey) said...

Follow you on Twitter @ASDsupportNC

A Pic said...

Just came across your blog tonight! and that cake looks delish. :)

Anonymous said...

I follow you publicly on Google Friends Connect (Carolsue)
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

Anonymous said...

I follow you on Twitter @cezovski
digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

Anonymous said...

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Carol Anderson with the following e-mail address:
digicats {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

Krissie said...

The Coffee House Coffee Cake sure looks good!
CalifKitties (AT)

Krissie said...

I follow you on Twitter (Pudyqat)
CalifKitties {at} AOL.COM

Krissie said...

I like you on Facebook - Kristine Peacock
CalifKitties (AT)

Anonymous said...

I just made this today as I had all the ingredients on hand. Made it as you wrote but used walnuts.
My husband almost cried while eating it! It's a keeper!

Anonymous said...

Do you think the sour cream could be replaced by a low fat yoghurt?

Unknown said...

Hi, I've not tried the substitution, but I don't see why it wouldn't work. It's worth a try! :)


Michelle said...

Just made these tonight - MOST EXCELLENT! Thanks for a great recipe. It reminds be of an updated version of "shoo-fly cake". Saw a reader asked about using yogurt instead of sour cream....all I had on hand tonight was my own, homemade plain yogurt. I used that and sprinkled the top with crushed toasted almonds and pearl sugar for a pop of white and baked in an 8x8" pan. Delicious. Can't wait to try the recipe w/sour cream. Thank you!

Sarah said...

I am nearly two years behind everyone else but I found this cake on Pinterest looking for a new coffee cake recipe and people could not believe how tasty it was - crunchy on the bottom and moist in the middle and pretty much foolproof! Thank you so much for sharing the recipe - my husband thanks you too! And a lot of friends in South London also...

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