Dr.Seuss Strawberry Marshmallow Skewers

Dr Seuss Strawberry Marshmallow Skewers

I've got a super easy, super quick treat to share with you today. This week has been celebrate Dr. Seuss week at my son's school, and each day they've done something different to celebrate it and a love for reading.  Today he got to dress up with the Dr. Seuss theme.

I packed him a Dr. Seussified snack that will be sure to make his classmates green...and not the green eggs kind. (Yeah, kinda dumb pun - I know.)

I call these Dr. Seuss Skewers because of the red and white layered effect. Just alternately slide a strawberry and a marshmallow on a skewer - I used a straw for safety reasons - wouldn't want an angry mom calling me because her kid poked his eye out.

You never know with Kindergartener's. Accidents are just waiting to happen around EVERY corner.

These are a really fun way to dress up some fruit. Served with a side of yogurt dipping sauce they're a great strawberry snack. Try them out with your kids, they'll love them!

Dr Seuss Strawberry Marshmallow Skewers

Dr. Seuess Strawberry & Marshmallow Skewers
Yield: 1 skewer    Printable Recipe

4-5whole strawberries, washed and stem removed
4-5 large marshmallows
1 straw or skewer

Slide one strawberry onto the skewer, then a marshmallow, repeat until you've filled your skewer or straw. Serve with side of creamy yogurt for a yummy dipping sauce. Easy peasy. Enjoy!


Dr Seuss Strawberry Marshmallow Skewers

Dr. Seuss Strawberry Marshmallow Skewers


Chung-Ah | Damn Delicious said...

These are so cute, and so fun!

Katrina @ Warm Vanilla Sugar said...

So cute! I love this :)

Amber said...

Thanks Chung-Ah! They definitely put a smile on your face. :)

Amber said...

Thanks Katrina, my son loves them. :)

Cassie | Bake Your Day said...

So cute! Great idea, Amber!

Jessica @ A Kitchen Addiction said...

So fun! What a great idea!

Rachel @ Baked by Rachel said...

Such a cute idea! My kids would love these.

Amy said...

This is so much fun and festive. I know my kids would LOVE these. Thanks for the idea. :)

Belinda said...

As a huge Dr Seuss fan, I absolutely love these!! Cat in hat skewers!!

Amber said...

Belinda, who doesn't love The Cat In The Hat! He's awesome! :)

Anna @ Crunchy Creamy Sweet said...

So adorable! My girls will love this idea! Thanks for sharing, Amber!

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