Awards and A Few Facts About Me

Comments on my blog make my day.  I love to open up my email and read the kind words that people have left on a post, and it makes the time and effort I put into creating my posts feel appreciated.  Oh I know, when I blog it's supposed to be for myself and the feeling of accomplishment, yadda, yadda, yadda.

But a blog post is also put out there, very publicly, and if no-one acknowledges it, it can feel a little like being the last kid picked in gym class.  That's why I always try to make time to comment back on each blog that has graciously visited mine.  Sometimes I don't always make it through the whole list...a husband, a 4-year old, a puppy and life sometimes have to take precedence, but I do try:)

I recently received two Stylish Blogger Awards, one from Swanky Pear, and the other from Vanilla Clouds and Lemon Drops. Thank you so much!

The Terms for Excepting The Award are:
Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award. Share Seven things about yourself. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers. Contact the bloggers and tell them about the award.

Here Are My 7 Things:

1. My favorite part of a loaf of bread is the end pieces. I love making toast from the first end slice.
2. I detest doing laundry. In my younger (less responsible) days, I've been known to buy new clothes, rather than have to wash the ones I have. :)
3. I am a classical pianist.
4. I love to take a hot bath when it's raining.  The rain pattering against the windows is very relaxing to me.
5. I'm still a little scared that if I go too deep in the ocean, Jaws will get me.
6. I spent a year traveling through every state in the U.S, (except California).
7. I once washed my hair in the rain, it wasn't very effective.

Another big thank you goes to Cheryl and Adam at Picture Perfect Meals, for awarding me the
Lovely Blog Award!

There are so many wonderful blogs that I've come across, but here are my picks to pass along BOTH awards:)  Again, thank you for the love!

1. Diethood
2. Cake Duchess
3. Simply Scratch
4. Steph's Bite by Bite
5. Cafe Ina
6. Blog Is The New Black
7. A Spicy Perspective
8. The Cilantropist
9. In Katrina's Kitchen
10. Scarletta Bakes
11. Pass The Sushi
12. Foodies at Home
13. Baking Without A Box
14. Savour The Senses
15. Creatively Domestic

Update: A big thanks to The Cultural Dish for passing along the Sisterhood of the World Blogger's Award :)


Belinda @zomppa said...

Great to know you more - didn't know you were a pianist...or had washed your hair in the rain (would make sense....)

Mateja ^_^ said...

Congrats on your well deserved award! You chose all the great blogs out there! Have a great weekend :)

Unknown said...

Wow! Thanks so much for the award! You are pretty awesome!! I love that you play the piano...I'd love to come listen! I've done a bit of classical singing too. But nothing major since college. Thanks again!! ♥- Katrina

Kate @ said...

Thank you so much! Coming from one of my favorite food bloggers, this means a whole LOT to me - I am so honored!

Chef Dennis Littley said...

Congratulations on your award!! and what a great bunch of bloggers you chose to pass it on to!!
hope you are having a great weekend

The Teenage Taste said...

Congrats on the award girlie! You deserve it!

Monet said...

Hi Amber! Yes...congratulations! You deserve all the awards and more, and I loved learning a bit more about you. Your post made me want to take a bath in the rain :-) Thanks for sharing, sweet girl! I hope you are having a splendid Saturday night. Take time to relax and rejuvenate tomorrow. Hugs from Austin!

Kim - Liv Life said...

Oh, I'm with you on the laundry. I currently have stacks and stacks and my husband commented "Why don't you just do one or two a day instead of letting is stack up?" My return comments weren't very kind. The thought of laundry each and every day is dreadful.
I'm also with you on the bread!! I LOVE the end pieces, and the crusty parts of french bread.
Can't relate with the pianist part though... I took lessons for 2 years because my mom made me. I've never gone back. Good for you!
Congrats on a well deserved award, if anyone is stylish, it is indeed you!

Shauna said...

What a fun thing to do!
Congrats on your award. Your creations are always so stunning. I love coming back to see what's new here :-)

scrambledhenfruit said...

Congratulations on your awards! The ends of the loaf of bread are my favorite pieces as well. (No one else at my house likes them, so I have them all for myself.) I'm jealous about the piano playing. I took lessons but they never really "took."

decocinasytacones said...

Congratulations on your award. And as you love comments, well here´s mine and a hug from Spain.

Lauren at Keep It Sweet said...

LOL on the last one! I also hate doing laundry- we usually put it off until we are desparate for clean socks.

Jill Colonna is Mad About Macarons said...

Well done on the awards, so well deserved. Love your posts and great blogs you've chosen, too. Lovely to hear a bit more about you, too; Aha, I love classical piano, too. Music and cooking go hand in hand, laundry certainly not ;-)

wendyweekendgourmet said...

Congrats on your well-deserved award! I loved learning more about you as well. I also love bubble baths, rain outside or not...and I always wish I had taken piano lessons as a kid!!

Blog is the New Black said...

Very sweet! Thank you!

anna said...

I love to make toast from the end of the bread too, it is the best bit!!

Sandra said...

congrats on the awards..
and my favorite part pf the loaf is beginning of the bread or the end:))
Got to love that crunch:))

Elyse @The Cultural Dish said...

Congratulations on your award! Your blog is beautiful! And I am jealous that you play piano... I want to learn so bad!

sara @ CaffeIna said...

Congratulations on the awards and thank you for passing it on me! I feel honored.
As per your 7-things about yourself....I share with you #1. I love love love the end part of bread...which is great because usually people don't so I don't have to fight for it :)

BakingWithoutaBox said...

Thanks so much Amber! Appreciate the award amidst such great company!
I just love reading the 7 things about people. One of my favorite things. Kudos on the classical piano. Awesome job on the year of travel. And you and me are both obviously going to get nabbed by Jaws if we wander too far out.


Oh my goodness, I'm so honored to be among such wonderful bloggers!

Congratulations on your well deserved award!

The Cilantropist said...

Amber I am sorry I did not make it over here sooner to THANK YOU for the award you gave me! It means a lot and I also know exactly what you mean when you say kind words and comments mean a lot to you - i feel the same way! Your blog is absolutely award-worthy and I especially love your photos. Keep up the good work gal! :)

blackbookkitchendiaries said...

Congrats on your award! Yay:) thank you for sharing this with us!

Kelly said...

Just found your blog and I love love love it! Please tell me you have a cookbook coming out soon! Your recipes are inventive and fabulously photographed. Yours is at the top of my food blogroll. Cheers!

Savoring Italy said...

Hi Amber-Sorry for getting here so late to say "THANK YOU"! What a great group of bloggers I'm a part of w/your sweetness. I adore your blog. I'm so impressed you're a classical pianist. I loved reading the ocean/jaws part...I have same fear;)HAPPY WEEKEND!

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