March 12, 2012

Pinteresting Monday’s - Re-Purposing

I love Pinterest, as I’m sure the rest of you do too. I have to carefully monitor my Pinterest browsing, or else I could easily get so caught up that my housework goes by the wayside, my kid never gets out of his pajamas, and we live on crackers until dinnertime. Seriously, it’s addicting.

One of my favorite categories to browse is the organizational section. There’s just something so fascinating about looking at beautiful images of perfectly stacked household goods, color co-ordinated shelves and neatly stored nick-knacks. I also love finding ways to repurpose things you have lying around.

So, to kick off the start of Pinteresting Monday’s, here are a few of my favorite finds. If you have some favorite re-purposing tricks of your own, I’d love to hear them!

Do I need to say much about this one? A genius way to re-use old bottles and a great, mess-free way to pour your batter.

Source: on Pinterest
Print off your recipe card, trim it to fit, and slide into the cover of a Cd jewel case. Now it’s propped up for easy viewing, and kept clean from messy spills and grubby fingers.

                                                 Source: on Pinterest

3. Spaghetti Frosting Protector
Use pieces of spaghetti to hold up plastic wrap, protecting your frosting.

                                                                   Source: on Pinterest

Most mason jars will fit a standard blender, allowing you to use it like your own magic bullet. I can’t wait to try this one!

                                                                   Source:  on Pinterest


  1. I love these. I've seen the ketschup bottle idea. I tried a turkey baster thinking it'd be a great idea but the batter seems to always be to thick!

  2. Oh, what great tips! I need to try that spaghetti idea...brilliant!

  3. Great ideas! I especially like the spaghetti idea and the pancake dispenser.

    Have a great week.

  4. I haven't seen the mason jar/blender trick before. I love it! Most of the time, I pour my smoothies right into a mason jar, and the thought of skipping another dish of clean up is huge!

  5. Some brilliant ideas!!! I am definitely going to search for my own now!

  6. Oh my!! These are all great ideas :)

  7. I too am seriously addicted to pinterest. I am going to have to check out that mason jar one. Looks neat!

  8. The repurposed ketchup bottle is such a simple but clever idea. I've seen pancake squirters in shops with a designer price tag to match - I know what I'll be using!

  9. Great finds! I am most definitely going to save my ketchup bottle. And the spaghetti saran wrap protector thing is awesome!

  10. Love all these ideas. Absolutely great!


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